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Subversion : Install2015/04/07

Install Subversion which is the revision control tool.
[1] Install Subversion.
[root@dlp ~]#
yum -y install subversion
[2] Create a repository. For example, create "/var/svn/repos/project" on here.
[root@dlp ~]#
mkdir -p /var/svn/repos/project

[root@dlp ~]#
svnadmin create /var/svn/repos/project

[root@dlp ~]#
svn mkdir file:///var/svn/repos/project/trunk -m "create"

Committed revision 1.
[root@dlp ~]#
svn mkdir file:///var/svn/repos/project/branches -m "create"

Committed revision 2.
[root@dlp ~]#
svn mkdir file:///var/svn/repos/project/tags -m "create"

Committed revision 3.
[3] If some development files exist yet, it's possible to import it to a repository. For exmaple, import files under "/home/project" into the repository of above.
[root@dlp ~]#
svn import /home/project file:///var/svn/repos/project/trunk -m "initial import"

Adding         /home/project/count.cgi
Adding         /home/project/index.html
Adding         /home/project/main.php

Committed revision 4.

# confirm

[root@dlp ~]#
svn list file:///var/svn/repos/project/trunk

[4] It's possible to access from other clients to run svnserve. svnserve listens on 3690/TCP, so allow it on firewalls on the network.
# start svnserve on server

[root@dlp ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/svnserve restart

Starting svnserve: [ OK ]
# access from a client (read only by default)

[cent@client ~]$
svn list svn://dlp.srv.world/var/svn/repos/project

# check out

[cent@client ~]$
svn checkout svn://dlp.srv.world/var/svn/repos/project

A    project/trunk
A    project/trunk/count.cgi
A    project/trunk/index.html
A    project/trunk/main.php
A    project/branches
A    project/tags
Checked out revision 4.
[5] It's possible to access with SSH without svnserve. If you would not like to allow 3690/TCP or use authentication algorithm by SSH, use this way.
[root@dlp ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/svnserve stop

Stopping svnserve: [ OK ]
# access from a client with SSH

[cent@client ~]$
svn list svn+ssh://cent@dlp.srv.world/var/svn/repos/project

cent@dlp.srv.world's password:
Matched Content