CentOS Stream 10
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Open WebUI : Install2025/02/13


Install Open WebUI which allows you to run LLM on Web UI.

Open WebUI can be easily installed with pip3, however in this example, we will start it in a container.


Install Podman, refer to here.


Install Ollama, refer to here.

[3] Pull and start the Open WebUI container image.
[root@dlp ~]#
podman pull ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main

[root@dlp ~]#
podman images

REPOSITORY                     TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED     SIZE
ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui  main        a088eea70396  7 days ago  4.33 GB

[root@dlp ~]#
podman run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.containers.internal:host-gateway -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main
[root@dlp ~]#
podman ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                               COMMAND        CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                   NAMES
7983190066ff  ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main  bash start.sh  4 seconds ago  Up 4 seconds>8080/tcp  open-webui
[4] Start any web browser on client computer and access to Open WebUI.
When you access the application, the following screen will appear. Click [Get started] to proceed.
[5] When you access for the first time, you will need to create an administrator account. Enter the required information and click [Create Admin Account].
[6] Once your admin account is created, the Open WebUI default page will be displayed.
[7] Next time, you can log in with your registered email address and password.
[8] You can add subsequent users by registering them on the administrator account management screen.
[9] To use Chat, select the model you have loaded into Ollama from the menu at the top, enter a message in the box below, and you will receive a reply.
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