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GitLab : Install2024/07/05

Install GitLab which is the project management system like GitHub.
[3] Install GitLab.
apt -y install ca-certificates tzdata perl
curl -O https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ee/script.deb.sh

bash ./script.deb.sh

apt update

apt -y install gitlab-ee
gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Default admin account has been configured with following details:
Username: root
Password: You didn't opt-in to print initial root password to STDOUT.
Password stored to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password. This file will be cleaned up in first reconfigure run after 24 hours.

NOTE: Because these credentials might be present in your log files in plain text, it is highly recommended to reset the password following https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/security/reset_user_password.html#reset-your-root-password.

gitlab Reconfigured!

# confirm the initial password

grep ^Password /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

Password: IE9fEAflwz.....
[4] Access to the URL [http://(your server's hostname or IP address)] from any Client computer.
It's possible to login with user [root] and password is the one you confirmed above.
[5] This is GitLab index page.
[6] [root] users password will be expired 24 hours later, so change it first.
Click [Edit Profile].
[7] Click [Password] icon on the left pane.
[8] You can change password on here. That's OK to install GitLab.
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