Windows 2016
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Docker : Install2019/03/04

Install Docker that is the Operating System-Level Virtualization Tool, that automates the deployment of applications inside Containers.
On Windows Server 2016, Hyper-V is not required for installing Docker, only [Containers] feature is needed.
Run PowerShell with Admin and run the command like follows to enable Container feature.
(also possible to enable on [Server Manager] - [Add roles and features] - [Containers].
After enabling it, Restart Computer.
PS > Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers
After rebooting, run PowerShell with Admin again and run the command like follows to install Docker.
Answer with Y(es) to questions during the installation.
PS > Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
PS > Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
[3] After installing Docker, [Docker Engine] service has been added with [Automatic] Startup in Services. Restart computer again.
After rebooting, run PowerShell and run the command like follows to verify installation normally.
PS > docker version
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