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SELinux : sesearch Basic Usage2021/07/22

Search SELinux Policy to use [sesearch] command.
[1] Some examples of using [sesearch] are follows.
If [sesearch] command is none, Install it with [dnf install setools-console].
# display allowed rules all (many rules displayed)

[root@dlp ~]#
sesearch --allow

allow NetworkManager_etc_rw_t NetworkManager_etc_rw_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_etc_t NetworkManager_etc_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_exec_t NetworkManager_exec_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_initrc_exec_t NetworkManager_initrc_exec_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_log_t NetworkManager_log_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_log_t tmp_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_log_t tmpfs_t:filesystem associate;
allow NetworkManager_ssh_t NetworkManager_ssh_t:association sendto;
allow NetworkManager_ssh_t NetworkManager_ssh_t:capability { dac_read_search setgid setuid };
allow NetworkManager_ssh_t NetworkManager_ssh_t:dbus send_msg;

# display rules which [httpd_t] domain is allowed to access

[root@dlp ~]#
sesearch -s httpd_t --allow

allow corenet_unlabeled_type unlabeled_t:association { recvfrom sendto };
allow corenet_unlabeled_type unlabeled_t:dccp_socket recvfrom;
allow corenet_unlabeled_type unlabeled_t:peer recv;
allow corenet_unlabeled_type unlabeled_t:rawip_socket recvfrom;
allow corenet_unlabeled_type unlabeled_t:tcp_socket recvfrom;
allow corenet_unlabeled_type unlabeled_t:udp_socket recvfrom;
allow daemon abrt_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow daemon abrt_var_run_t:dir { getattr open search };
allow daemon abrt_var_run_t:sock_file { append getattr open write };
allow daemon auth_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect; [ daemons_use_tcp_wrapper ]:True

# display allowed rules which domain can access to [httpd_sys_script_exec_t] type

[root@dlp ~]#
sesearch -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t --allow

allow NetworkManager_ssh_t file_type:filesystem getattr;
allow NetworkManager_t file_type:filesystem getattr;
allow abrt_dump_oops_t exec_type:file getattr;
allow abrt_dump_oops_t file_type:filesystem getattr;
allow abrt_dump_oops_t non_security_file_type:dir { add_name create getattr ioctl link lock open read remove_name rename reparent rmdir search setattr unlink write };
allow abrt_dump_oops_t non_security_file_type:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock map open read rename setattr unlink write };
allow abrt_dump_oops_t non_security_file_type:lnk_file { append create getattr ioctl link lock read rename setattr unlink write };
allow abrt_helper_t exec_type:dir { getattr open search };
allow abrt_helper_t exec_type:file { getattr ioctl lock open read };
allow abrt_helper_t file_type:filesystem getattr;

# display allowed rules which domain can write to [shadow_t type] files

[root@dlp ~]#
sesearch -t shadow_t -c file -p write --allow

allow cockpit_session_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read rename setattr unlink write };
allow files_unconfined_type file_type:file { append audit_access create execute execute_no_trans getattr ioctl link lock map mounton open quotaon read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr swapon unlink write };
allow groupadd_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };
allow passwd_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock map open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };
allow pegasus_openlmi_account_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };
allow rpm_script_t file_type:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };
allow rpm_t file_type:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };
allow sysadm_passwd_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };
allow updpwd_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read rename setattr unlink write };
allow useradd_t shadow_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read relabelfrom relabelto rename setattr unlink write };

# display defined rules on Boolean value [samba_enable_home_dirs]

[root@dlp ~]#
sesearch -b samba_enable_home_dirs --allow

allow smbd_t home_root_t:dir { getattr ioctl lock open read search }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t home_root_t:lnk_file { getattr read }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t httpd_user_content_t:dir { add_name create getattr ioctl link lock open read remove_name rename reparent rmdir search setattr unlink write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t httpd_user_content_t:dir { add_name getattr ioctl lock open read remove_name search write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t httpd_user_content_t:dir { add_name getattr ioctl lock open read remove_name search write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t httpd_user_content_t:file { append create getattr ioctl link lock open read rename setattr unlink write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t httpd_user_content_t:lnk_file { append create getattr ioctl link lock read rename setattr unlink write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t user_home_dir_t:dir { add_name getattr ioctl lock open read remove_name search write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t user_home_dir_t:dir { add_name getattr ioctl lock open read remove_name search write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
allow smbd_t user_home_dir_t:dir { add_name getattr ioctl lock open read remove_name search write }; [ samba_enable_home_dirs ]:True
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