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Ansible : AWX : Run Jobs2024/07/31


This is the basic configuration for Ansible AWX to run Ansible Playbooks.

To run Playbooks on target Hosts on AWX, it needs to configure the following settings.

* Add inventories
* Add credentials
* Add projects
* Add job templates

To execute jobs, operate like follows.
This is based on the environment you configured all settings written in above.

[1] Login to Ansible AWX Web and click [Templates] on the left pane.
[2] Click the job template you'd like to execute.
[3] Click [Launch] button on the bottom of right pane, then jobs set in the template are executed.
[4] After launching jobs, output of the Playbook set in the template is shown.
Deprecated warnings will appear for some Python modules, but if no other errors are displayed, the job has completed successfully.
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