CentOS Stream 9
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OpenStack Dalmatian : How to use CloudKitty2024/10/16


This is how to use OpenStack Rating Service (CloudKitty).

This example is based on the environment like follows.

            |                          |                          |
        eth0|             eth0|             eth0|
+-----------+-----------+  +-----------+-----------+  +-----------+-----------+
|   [ dlp.srv.world ]   |  | [ network.srv.world ] |  |  [ node01.srv.world ] |
|     (Control Node)    |  |     (Network Node)    |  |     (Compute Node)    |
|                       |  |                       |  |                       |
|  MariaDB    RabbitMQ  |  |      Open vSwitch     |  |        Libvirt        |
|  Memcached  Nginx     |  |     Neutron Server    |  |      Nova Compute     |
|  Keystone   httpd     |  |      OVN-Northd       |  |      Open vSwitch     |
|  Glance     Nova API  |  |  Nginx  iSCSI Target  |  |   OVN Metadata Agent  |
|  Cinder API           |  |     Cinder Volume     |  |     OVN-Controller    |
|                       |  |     Gnocchi httpd     |  |   Ceilometer Compute  |
|                       |  |   Ceilometer Central  |  |                       |
|                       |  |     CloudKitty API    |  |                       |
+-----------------------+  +-----------------------+  +-----------------------+

[1] Add [cloudkitty] user in [rating] role for each project you like to rate.
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack project list

| ID                               | Name      |
| 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | hiroshima |
| aff8e7e402dc4d9e849bbe0e34fa4538 | service   |
| b19d04cd37254937a4eaebcd0f0f0a43 | admin     |

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack role add --user cloudkitty --project hiroshima rating

[2] Enable [Hashmap] module.
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack rating module list

| Module    | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap   | False   |        1 |
| noop      | True    |        1 |
| pyscripts | False   |        1 |

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack rating module enable hashmap

| Module  | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap | True    |        1 |

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack rating module list

| Module    | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap   | True    |        1 |
| noop      | True    |        1 |
| pyscripts | False   |        1 |
[3] Set rate to Instance Uptime.
When users in the project set on [1] create and start instances with [flavor_id] you set, target project is charged at the rate you set every interval of the [period] you set in [cloudkitty.conf].
# add service matching rule

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack rating hashmap service create instance

| Name     | Service ID                           |
| instance | e3070563-51a8-42cf-b37d-765cd95eabf3 |

# add field matching rule

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack rating hashmap field create e3070563-51a8-42cf-b37d-765cd95eabf3 flavor_id

| Name      | Field ID                             | Service ID                           |
| flavor_id | 389abee2-ef46-43fa-ae54-73707b75f129 | e3070563-51a8-42cf-b37d-765cd95eabf3 |

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack flavor list

| ID | Name      |   RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| 1  | m1.tiny   |  2048 |   10 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 2  | m1.small  |  4096 |   10 |         0 |     2 | True      |
| 3  | m1.medium |  8192 |   10 |         0 |     4 | True      |
| 4  | m1.large  | 16384 |   10 |         0 |     8 | True      |
| 5  | m2.large  | 16384 |   10 |        10 |     8 | True      |

# add mapping rule
# set a cost of [0.5] to instances with [flavor_id] = [2]
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]# openstack rating hashmap mapping create 0.5 \
--field-id 389abee2-ef46-43fa-ae54-73707b75f129 \
--value 2 -t flat 
| Mapping ID                           | Value | Cost                           | Type | Field ID                             | Service ID | Group ID | Project ID |
| 4c0e4b31-d7c2-4097-9de6-85b470fd4397 | 2     | 0.5000000000000000000000000000 | flat | 389abee2-ef46-43fa-ae54-73707b75f129 | None       | None     | None       |
[4] Verify settings with an user who is in the project you set on [1] to create or start an instance.
[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack server list

| ID                                   | Name       | Status  | Networks                            | Image          | Flavor   |
| 3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973 | CentOS-St9 | SHUTOFF | private=, | CentOS-Stream9 | m1.small |

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack server start CentOS-St9
# after a certain period of time, costs are charged

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating summary get

| Tenant ID                        | Resource Type | Rate | Begin Time          | End Time            |
| 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | ALL           | 0.5  | 2024-10-01T00:00:00 | 2024-11-01T00:00:00 |

# if the instance continues to run, costs are charged every [period] of time

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating summary get

| Tenant ID                        | Resource Type | Rate | Begin Time          | End Time            |
| 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | ALL           | 1.0  | 2024-10-01T00:00:00 | 2024-11-01T00:00:00 |

# display data frames

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating dataframes get

| Begin               | End                 | Project ID                       | Resources                     
| 2024-10-16T00:50:00 | 2024-10-16T01:00:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:00:00 | 2024-10-16T01:10:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:10:00 | 2024-10-16T01:20:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:30:00 | 2024-10-16T01:40:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:40:00 | 2024-10-16T01:50:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'volume.size', 'desc': {'volume_type': '1bae2cfb-d3b9-4bcc-8262-7f6350a52d00', 'id': '9116852b-c923-4797-8e34-5c3481cacee8', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.0000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.0000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1E+1', 'rate_value': '0.0000'}] |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.5000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.5000'}]    |
[5] Set rate to Volume Size.
When users in the project set on [1] create cinder volumes, target project is charged at the rate you set per gigabyte.
# add service matching rule

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack rating hashmap service create volume.size

| Name        | Service ID                           |
| volume.size | 22d52f5f-6ad4-493a-a359-ced99ce3c227 |

# add mapping rule
# set a cost of [1.5] per gigabyte
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]# openstack rating hashmap mapping create 1.5 \
-s 22d52f5f-6ad4-493a-a359-ced99ce3c227 \
-t flat 
| Mapping ID                           | Value | Cost                           | Type | Field ID | Service ID                           | Group ID | Project ID |
| 42cee9ba-f01e-4722-af07-849ee8e35110 | None  | 1.5000000000000000000000000000 | flat | None     | 22d52f5f-6ad4-493a-a359-ced99ce3c227 | None     | None       |

# set a 10% discount on over 30 GB volumes
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]# openstack rating hashmap threshold create 30 0.90 \
-s 22d52f5f-6ad4-493a-a359-ced99ce3c227 \
-t rate 
| Threshold ID                         | Level       | Cost                           | Type | Field ID | Service ID                           | Group ID | Project ID |
| b5434ec4-d58c-4be3-b5a0-e5ab1639cec9 | 30.00000000 | 0.9000000000000000222044604925 | rate | None     | 22d52f5f-6ad4-493a-a359-ced99ce3c227 | None     | None       |
[6] Verify settings with an user who is in the project you set on [1] to create volumes.
[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating summary get

| Tenant ID                        | Resource Type | Rate | Begin Time          | End Time            |
| 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | ALL           | 2.0  | 2024-10-01T00:00:00 | 2024-11-01T00:00:00 |

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$ openstack volume create --size 10 disk01 

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack volume list

| ID                                   | Name   | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 031d0ed4-58bd-49af-abca-3cfc45a15a34 | disk01 | available |   10 |             |

# after a certain period of time, costs are charged

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating summary get

| Tenant ID                        | Resource Type | Rate | Begin Time          | End Time            |
| 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | ALL           | 17.0 | 2024-10-01T00:00:00 | 2024-11-01T00:00:00 |

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating dataframes get

| Begin               | End                 | Project ID                       | Resources                     
| 2024-10-16T00:50:00 | 2024-10-16T01:00:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:00:00 | 2024-10-16T01:10:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:10:00 | 2024-10-16T01:20:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:30:00 | 2024-10-16T01:40:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:40:00 | 2024-10-16T01:50:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:50:00 | 2024-10-16T02:00:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T02:00:00 | 2024-10-16T02:10:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T02:10:00 | 2024-10-16T02:20:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '15.0', 'service':
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'volume.size', 'desc': {'volume_type': '1bae2cfb-d3b9-4bcc-8262-7f6350a52d00', 'id': '9116852b-c923-4797-8e34-5c3481cacee8', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
 'volume.size', 'desc': {'volume_type': '__DEFAULT__', 'id': '031d0ed4-58bd-49af-abca-3cfc45a15a34', 'project_id': '756e2b493
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
7c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 'day_of_the_year': '290'
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.0000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.0000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1E+1', 'rate_value': '0.0000'}] |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.5000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.5000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.5000'}]    |
'day_of_the_year': '290', 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1', 'rate_value': '0.5000'}]    |
, 'month': '10', 'year': '2024', 'tenant_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a'}, 'volume': '1E+1', 'rate_value': '1.5000'}]                         |

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack volume create --size 30 disk02

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack volume list

| ID                                   | Name   | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 9a4d9b97-6cbf-44e3-86fe-6527c69615b5 | disk02 | available |   30 |             |
| 031d0ed4-58bd-49af-abca-3cfc45a15a34 | disk01 | available |   10 |             |

# after a certain period of time, costs are charged
# 1.5 x 30 x 0.9 = 40.5

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating summary get

| Tenant ID                        | Resource Type | Rate | Begin Time          | End Time            |
| 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | ALL           | 57.5 | 2024-10-01T00:00:00 | 2024-11-01T00:00:00 |

[cent@dlp ~(keystone)]$
openstack rating dataframes get

| Begin               | End                 | Project ID                       | Resources                     
| 2024-10-16T00:50:00 | 2024-10-16T01:00:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:00:00 | 2024-10-16T01:10:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:10:00 | 2024-10-16T01:20:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.0', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:30:00 | 2024-10-16T01:40:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:40:00 | 2024-10-16T01:50:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T01:50:00 | 2024-10-16T02:00:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T02:00:00 | 2024-10-16T02:10:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '0.5', 'service': 
| 2024-10-16T02:10:00 | 2024-10-16T02:20:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '15.0', 'service':
| 2024-10-16T02:20:00 | 2024-10-16T02:30:00 | 756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a | [{'rating': '40.5', 'service':
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'volume.size', 'desc': {'volume_type': '1bae2cfb-d3b9-4bcc-8262-7f6350a52d00', 'id': '9116852b-c923-4797-8e34-5c3481cacee8', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
'instance', 'desc': {'flavor_name': 'm1.small', 'flavor_id': '2', 'vcpus': '', 'id': '3d753408-6705-4cbf-acd8-2e09d975b973', 
 'volume.size', 'desc': {'volume_type': '__DEFAULT__', 'id': '031d0ed4-58bd-49af-abca-3cfc45a15a34', 'project_id': '756e2b493
 'volume.size', 'desc': {'volume_type': '__DEFAULT__', 'id': '9a4d9b97-6cbf-44e3-86fe-6527c69615b5', 'project_id': '756e2b493
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
'project_id': '756e2b4937c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 
7c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 'day_of_the_year': '290'
7c44d3991028e294f92d89a', 'user_id': '19c7530debb54eb0bfe6dc47aae3df32', 'week_of_the_year': '41', 'day_of_the_year': '290'
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