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Subversion : Set Access Control2015/04/07

Set Access Control on repositories.
[1] For exmaple, Set Access Control on "/var/svn/repos/project".
[root@dlp ~]#
vi /var/svn/repos/project/conf/svnserve.conf
# line 9: add (prohibit anonymous access)

anon-access = none
# line 21: uncomment

password-db = passwd
# line 28: uncomment

authz-db = authz
[root@dlp ~]#
vi /var/svn/repos/project/conf/passwd
# define username and password for this repository

redhat = password
cent = password
fedora = password
[root@dlp ~]#
vi /var/svn/repos/project/conf/authz
# define groups and users

developer = redhat,cent
# allow read/write on document root for developer group

@developer = rw
# allow read on trunk folder for fedora user

fedora = r
[2] Make sure to access from a client.
[cent@client trunk]$
svn --username redhat commit -m "update"

Authentication realm: <svn://dlp.srv.world:3690> fd349a1d-65a8-441f-a9e5-907abc1b6c19
Password for 'redhat':

Store password unencrypted (yes/no)?

Sending        trunk/count.cgi
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 5.

[cent@client ~]$
svn --username fedora list svn://dlp.srv.world/var/svn/repos/project/trunk

Authentication realm: <svn://dlp.srv.world:3690> fd349a1d-65a8-441f-a9e5-907abc1b6c19
Password for 'fedora':

Store password unencrypted (yes/no)?

Matched Content