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strongSwan : Configure Client2025/03/24


Configure strongSwan Client on Windows.

This example is based on the environment like follows.

First, it needs to configure IP masquerade setting on your router that UDP packets to global IP address of strongSwan server from strongSwan client via internet are forwared to local IP address of strongSwan server.

  | [  strongSwan Server ] |
  |      dlp.srv.world     +--------+
  |                        |        |
  +-----------+------------+        |
        enp1s0|         |
              |                     |
              |       Local Network |
       +------+-----+               |
-------|  Router#1  |---------------|-----
       +------+-----+               |
              |                     |
    Internet  |  Internet           |
              |                     |
       +------+-----+               |
-------|  Router#2  |---------------|-----
       +------+-----+               |
              |       Local Network |
              |                     |
        enp1s0|     |
  +-----------+------------+        |
  |  [ strongSwan Client]  |        |
  |                        +--------+
  |                        |172.16.100.x (VPN IP)

[1] Right-click the Start button and open [Network Connections].
[2] Open [VPN] section.
[3] Click the [Add VPN] button.

Enter each item as follows and save the settings.

[Connection name] : any name you like
[Server name or address] : server name registered in the certificate set on the strongSwan server
[VPN type] : IKEv2
[Type of sign-in info] : username and password
[Username] : username you set for your strongSwan server
[Password] : password for the user you set on the strongSwan server
[5] Click the [Connect] button.
[6] After the VPN connection is established, the status will be [Connected].
Check whether you can access various services on any server in the local network on the server side.
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