VMware ESXi 8
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Add Datastore (NFS)2024/01/15

Add Datastore (NFS) to ESXi Host.
On this example, it adds NFS datastore.
ESXi 8 supports NFS v3 and v4.1, this example shows v4.1 mounting.
For NFS share, it uses share directory provided from Linux server like here.
[1] To configure on shell access, set like follows.
# --hosts=(NFS server's hostname or IP address)
# --share=(share directory)
# --volume-name=(any datastore name)

esxcli storage nfs41 add --hosts=nfs.srv.world --share=/home/nfsshare --volume-name=NFS-Share

esxcli storage nfs41 list

Volume Name  Host(s)        Share           Accessible  Mounted  Read-Only  Security   isPE  Hardware Acceleration
-----------  -------------  --------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  -----  ---------------------
NFS-Share    nfs.srv.world  /home/nfsshare        true     true      false  AUTH_SYS  false  Not Supported

vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/info NFS-Share

(vim.host.NasDatastoreInfo) {
   name = "NFS-Share",
   url = "/vmfs/volumes/21b01854-3302ef65-0000-000000000000",
   freeSpace = 167964827648,
   maxFileSize = 17592186040320,
   maxVirtualDiskCapacity = 17418005980514,
   maxMemoryFileSize = 17592186040320,
   timestamp = "2024-01-15T07:20:21.014287Z",
   containerId = ,
   aliasOf = ,
   datastoreFormat = ,
   logicalSectorSize = ,
   physicalSectorSize = ,
   nas = (vim.host.NasVolume) {
      type = "NFS41",
      name = "NFS-Share",
      capacity = 167964856320,
      remoteHost = "nfs.srv.world",
      remotePath = "/home/nfsshare",
      userName = ,
      remoteHostNames = (string) [
      securityType = "AUTH_SYS",
      protocolEndpoint = false
(vim.Datastore.HostMount) [
   (vim.Datastore.HostMount) {
      key = 'vim.HostSystem:ha-host',
      mountInfo = (vim.host.MountInfo) {
         path = "/vmfs/volumes/21b01854-3302ef65-0000-000000000000",
         accessMode = "readWrite",
         mounted = true,
         accessible = true,
         inaccessibleReason = ,
         vmknicName = "None",
         vmknicActive = false,
         mountFailedReason = ,
         numTcpConnections = 1

esxcli storage filesystem list

Mount Point                                        Volume Name                                 UUID                                 Mounted  Type            Size          Free
-------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -------  ------  ------------  ------------
/vmfs/volumes/21b01854-3302ef65-0000-000000000000  NFS-Share                                   21b01854-3302ef65-0000-000000000000     true  NFS41   167964856320  167964827648
/vmfs/volumes/65a4d8f4-5bbdd866-c7e6-5254003acc4c  VM-Data                                     65a4d8f4-5bbdd866-c7e6-5254003acc4c     true  VMFS-6  171530256384  170019258368
/vmfs/volumes/65a4da79-81043fb4-8353-5254003acc4c  ISO-DATA                                    65a4da79-81043fb4-8353-5254003acc4c     true  VMFS-6  171530256384  170019258368
/vmfs/volumes/658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c  OSDATA-658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c  658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c     true  VMFSOS   77040975872   73569140736
/vmfs/volumes/0df11024-834cb32d-0dac-c488aa9626f7  BOOTBANK1                                   0df11024-834cb32d-0dac-c488aa9626f7     true  vfat      4293591040    4000382976
/vmfs/volumes/e704ddac-404e317b-7284-6597e86d9b29  BOOTBANK2                                   e704ddac-404e317b-7284-6597e86d9b29     true  vfat      4293591040    4293525504

# for unmounting, run like follows

esxcli storage nfs41 remove --volume-name=NFS-Share

To add Datastore on VMware Host Client, Configure like follows.
[2] Login to VMware Host Client with root user account and click [Storage] icon that is under [Navigator] menu.
[3] Click [New datastore] button.
[4] Select [Mount NFS datastore].
[5] Input NFS share information to mount. For Username/Password, it's optional, OK to keep blank if you have not configured NFS server to require authentication.
[6] Click [Finish] button.
[7] After new NFS Datastore successfully added, it is listed on Datastores table like follows.
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