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Windows Server Backup : Backup Once2022/12/23

Run Backup Once manually.
[1] Run PowerShell with Admin Privilege and Run Backup Once.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# set empty backup policy object
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $Policy = New-WBPolicy

# add current system state to the backup policy
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Add-WBSystemState -Policy $Policy

# add baremetal revovery to the backup policy
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Add-WBBareMetalRecovery -Policy $Policy

# add source files/folders/volumes to take backup to the backup policy
# example follows specifies C dirive all
PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-WBFileSpec -FileSpec "C:" | Add-WBFileSpec -Policy $Policy

# if multiple drives exist, possible to add
PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-WBFileSpec -FileSpec "D:" | Add-WBFileSpec -Policy $Policy

# set Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) option to the backup policy
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-WBVssBackupOptions -Policy $Policy -VssCopyBackup

# set backup tagret Path
# example below specifies remote shared folder
# -NetworkPath (remote shared folder)
# -Credential (PSCredential for shared folder)
# specify a user who can access to shared and also who has wirte privilege to it
# example follows specifies a user/password [Serverworld/P@ssw0rd01]
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $BackupLocation = New-WBBackupTarget -NetworkPath "\\\Share01" `
-Credential (New-Object PSCredential("Serverworld", (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "P@ssw0rd01" -Force)))

# add backup tagret to the backup policy
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Add-WBBackupTarget -Policy $Policy -Target $BackupLocation
WARNING: The backed up data cannot be securely protected at this destination. Backups stored on a remote shared folder might be
 accessible by other people on the network. You should only save your backups to a location where you trust the other users who
 have access to the location or on a network that has additional security precautions in place.
WARNING: Backup or recovery of individual files or application data from DVDs or other removable media is not supported. You
can only backup or recover full volumes from this media.

Label                  :
WBDisk                 :
WBVolume               :
Path                   : \\\Share01
TargetType             : Network
InheritAcl             : True
PreserveExistingBackup : False

# confirm configured backup policy
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $Policy

Schedule              :
BackupTargets         : {\\\Share01}
VolumesToBackup       :
FilesSpecsToBackup    : {C:*}
FilesSpecsToExclude   : {}
ComponentsToBackup    :
BMR                   : True
SystemState           : True
OverwriteOldFormatVhd : False
VssBackupOptions      : VssCopyBackup

# run backup
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Start-WBBackup -Policy $Policy
Initializing the list of items to be backed up...
Volume 1 (0%) of 3 volume(s).
Volume 1 (0%) of 3 volume(s).
Volume 1 (100%) of 3 volume(s).
Volume 2 (1%) of 3 volume(s).
Volume 2 (96%) of 3 volume(s).
Volume 2 (97%) of 3 volume(s).
Volume 3 (63%) of 3 volume(s).
The backup operation completed.

# confirm backup history
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WBSummary

NextBackupTime                  : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
NumberOfVersions                : 1
LastSuccessfulBackupTime        : 12/21/2022 8:46:53 PM
LastSuccessfulBackupTargetPath  : \\\Share01
LastSuccessfulBackupTargetLabel :
LastBackupTime                  : 12/21/2022 8:46:53 PM
LastBackupTarget                : \\\Share01
DetailedMessage                 :
LastBackupResultHR              : 0
LastBackupResultDetailedHR      : 0
CurrentOperationStatus          : NoOperationInProgress
Windows Server Backup : Backup Once (GUI)
On GUI configuration, set like follows.
[2] Run [Server Manager] and click [Tools] - [Windows Server Backup].
[3] Select [Local Backup] on the left pane and right-click to open menu, then select [Backup Once].
[4] Select Backup Options. It selects [Different options] on this example.
[5] Select Backup Configuration. It selects [Full server] on this example.
[6] Specify Destination Type for Backup target. It selects [Remote shared folder] on this example.
[7] Specify Remote folder if you selected [Remote shared folder] on previous section. After inputting shared Path, credentials for accessing to it is required.
[8] Confirm selections and Click [Backup] button to start backup.
[9] After finishing Backup, Click [Close] button.
[9] That's OK, Taking Backup manually completed.
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