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NFS Server : Configure NFS Shared Folder (Quick)2024/12/06


Configure NFS Shared Folder. (Quick)
For example on here, create a shared folder with Host based access permission.

On CUI Configuration, Set like follows.

[1] Run PowerShell with Admin Privilege and Configure NFS Server.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# create NFS Shared Folder
PS C:\Users\Administrator> mkdir C:\NFSshare

    Directory: C:\

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         12/5/2024   4:42 PM                NFSshare

# set NFS Share
PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-NfsShare -Name "NFSshare01" `
-Path "C:\NFSshare" `
-EnableUnmappedAccess $True `
-Authentication Sys 

Name       Availability             Path
----       ------------             ----
NFSshare01 Standard (not clustered) C:\NFSshare

# grant Read/Write access permission to a Host
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Grant-NfsSharePermission -Name "NFSshare01" `
-ClientName "" `
-ClientType "host" `
-Permission "readwrite" `
-AllowRootAccess $True 

# confirm settings
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-NfsShare -Name "NFSshare01" 

Name       Availability             Path
----       ------------             ----
NFSshare01 Standard (not clustered) C:\NFSshare

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-NfsSharePermission -Name "NFSshare01" 

Name       ClientName   Permission  AllowRootAccess
----       ----------   ----------  ---------------
NFSshare01   READ, WRITE True
NFSshare01 All Machines DENY ACCESS False
NFS Server : Configure NFS Shared Folder (GUI)

On GUI Configuration, Set like follows.

[2] Run Server Manager and Click [File and Storage Services].
[2] Select [Shares] on the left pane and click [TASKS] - [New Share...].
[3] On this example, select [NFS Share - Quick].
[4] On this example, Configure a specific folder as shared one, so check a box [Type a custom path] and input the path for specific folder you'd like to set as shared folder.
[5] Input Share Name, Local and Remote Share Path.
[6] Specify authentication methods. On this example, set like follows.
[7] Set the Share permissions. Click [Add...] button.
[8] Specify the Hosts you'd like to grant access permissions.
[9] Confirm settings and Click [Next] button.
[10] This is the permission setting. Check the contents and add settings if you need.
[11] Confirm selections and it's no ploblem, Click [Create] button.
[12] After finishing creating, Click [Close] button.
[13] NFS shared folder has been just configured.
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