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Windows Server Failover Clustering : Configure Shared Storage2024/12/23


Configure Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC).

This example is based on the environment like follows.
Prepare 2 Nodes for clustering and they are in Active Directory domain (AD is not mandatory requirements).
Furthermore, they have shared storages for clustering provided from iSCSI Target Server.

+----------------------+           |           +----------------------+
|  [      AD DS     ]  | ||  [  iSCSI Target  ]  |
|    +-----------+-----------+   |
|                      |           |           |                      |
+----------------------+           |           +----------------------+
+----------------------+           |           +----------------------+
|  [ Cluster Node#1 ]  | ||  [ Cluster Node#2 ]  |
|    +-----------+-----------+    |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+


On CUI Configuration, run PowerShell and Set like follows.

[2] Configure shared storage on iSCSI Target Server that is used as Quorum disk in Cluster.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# create [iSCSITarget01] target
# specify Nodes for InitiatorId
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-IscsiServerTarget -TargetName "iSCSITarget01" -InitiatorId @("IPAddress:","IPAddress:") 

ChapUserName                :
ClusterGroupName            :
ComputerName                :
Description                 :
EnableChap                  : False
EnableReverseChap           : False
EnforceIdleTimeoutDetection : True
FirstBurstLength            : 65536
IdleDuration                : 00:00:00
InitiatorIds                : {IPAddress:, IPAddress:}
LastLogin                   :
LunMappings                 : {}
MaxBurstLength              : 262144
MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength : 65536
ReceiveBufferCount          : 10
ReverseChapUserName         :
Sessions                    : {}
Status                      : NotConnected
TargetIqn                   :
TargetName                  : iSCSITarget01

# create a shared disk for Quorum (generally 512MB is enough size)
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-IscsiVirtualDisk -Path "C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx" -SizeBytes 512MB 

ClusterGroupName   :
ComputerName       :
Description        :
DiskType           : Dynamic
HostVolumeId       : {95471308-8C32-4533-A343-B2338BD6D05F}
LocalMountDeviceId :
OriginalPath       :
ParentPath         :
Path               : C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx
SerialNumber       : 67D31FBD-27F5-4FE5-A609-0496236D39EA
Size               : 536870912
SnapshotIds        :
Status             : NotConnected
VirtualDiskIndex   : 2007973245

# assign disks to iSCSI target
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Add-IscsiVirtualDiskTargetMapping -TargetName "iSCSITarget01" -Path "C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx" 

# enable CHAP for iSCSI Target and set Username and Password for authentication
# required password length over 12 chars
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Set-IscsiServerTarget `
-TargetName "iSCSITarget01" `
-EnableChap $True `
-Chap (New-Object PSCredential("username", (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "UserP@ssw0rd01" -Force)))`

ChapUserName                : username
ClusterGroupName            :
ComputerName                :
Description                 :
EnableChap                  : True
EnableReverseChap           : False
EnforceIdleTimeoutDetection : True
FirstBurstLength            : 65536
IdleDuration                : 00:01:33
InitiatorIds                : {IPAddress:, IPAddress:}
LastLogin                   :
LunMappings                 : {TargetName:iSCSITarget01;VHD:"C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx";LUN:0}
MaxBurstLength              : 262144
MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength : 65536
ReceiveBufferCount          : 10
ReverseChapUserName         :
Sessions                    : {}
Status                      : NotConnected
TargetIqn                   :
TargetName                  : iSCSITarget01

# confirm settings
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-IscsiServerTarget -TargetName "iSCSITarget01" 

ChapUserName                : username
ClusterGroupName            :
ComputerName                :
Description                 :
EnableChap                  : True
EnableReverseChap           : False
EnforceIdleTimeoutDetection : True
FirstBurstLength            : 65536
IdleDuration                : 00:02:03
InitiatorIds                : {IPAddress:, IPAddress:}
LastLogin                   :
LunMappings                 : {TargetName:iSCSITarget01;VHD:"C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx";LUN:0}
MaxBurstLength              : 262144
MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength : 65536
ReceiveBufferCount          : 10
ReverseChapUserName         :
Sessions                    : {}
Status                      : NotConnected
TargetIqn                   :
TargetName                  : iSCSITarget01

# restart service
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Restart-Service -Name WinTarget 
[3] Configure iSCSI Initiator and login to Target Server on all Cluster Nodes.
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Start-Service -Name MSiSCSI 
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Set-Service -Name MSiSCSI -StartupType Automatic 
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-IscsiTargetPortal -TargetPortalAddress "" 

InitiatorInstanceName  :
InitiatorPortalAddress :
IsDataDigest           : False
IsHeaderDigest         : False
TargetPortalAddress    :
TargetPortalPortNumber : 3260
PSComputerName         :

PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-IscsiTarget 

IsConnected NodeAddress                                          PSComputerName
----------- -----------                                          --------------

PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Connect-IscsiTarget `
-NodeAddress `
-AuthenticationType ONEWAYCHAP `
-ChapUsername "username" `
-ChapSecret "UserP@ssw0rd01" `
-IsPersistent $True 

AuthenticationType      : ONEWAYCHAP
InitiatorInstanceName   : ROOT\ISCSIPRT\0000_0
InitiatorNodeAddress    :
InitiatorPortalAddress  :
InitiatorSideIdentifier : 400001370000
IsConnected             : True
IsDataDigest            : False
IsDiscovered            : True
IsHeaderDigest          : False
IsPersistent            : True
NumberOfConnections     : 1
SessionIdentifier       : ffffd5868ecfd010-4000013700000002
TargetNodeAddress       :
TargetSideIdentifier    : 0100
PSComputerName          :

PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-IscsiConnection 

ConnectionIdentifier : ffffd5868ecfd010-1
InitiatorAddress     :
InitiatorPortNumber  : 30661
TargetAddress        :
TargetPortNumber     : 3260
PSComputerName       :
[4] On a Node in Cluster, Format iSCSI disk with NTFS.
# show disks
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-Disk | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap 

Number Friendly Name   Serial Number                        HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition Style
------ -------------   -------------                        ------------ ----------------- ---------- ---------------
1      MSFT Virtual HD 67D31FBD-27F5-4FE5-A609-0496236D39EA Healthy      Offline               512 MB RAW
0      QEMU HARDDISK   QM00001                              Healthy      Online                 80 GB GPT

# turn to online and initialize with GPT
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Set-Disk -Number 1 -IsOffline $False 
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Initialize-Disk -Number 1 -PartitionStyle GPT 

# create partition with assigning drive letter
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-Partition -DiskNumber 1 -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter 

   DiskPath: \\?\scsi#disk&ven_msft&prod_virtual_hd#1&1c121344&0&000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

PartitionNumber  DriveLetter Offset                                            Size Type
---------------  ----------- ------                                            ---- ----
2                D           16777216                                     495.94 MB Basic

# format with NTFS
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Format-Volume -DriveLetter D -FileSystem NTFS -Force 

DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining      Size
----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- -------------      ----
D                        NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                    479.71 MB 495.93 MB
Windows Server Failover Clustering : Configure Shared Storage (GUI)

On GUI Configuration, Configure like follows.


Install iSCSI Target Server on Shared storage Host.


Configure iSCSI Target Server to create a shared storage that is used as Quorum disk in Cluster, refer to here.
On this example, configure following settings.

iSCSI Target ⇒ [iSCSITarget01]
shared storage ⇒ [C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx] (512MB)


Configure iSCSI Initiator on all Nodes and login to iSCSI Target, refer to here.
After login to iSCSI Target, format iSCSI disks with NTFS on a Node.

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