Fedora 36
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Desktop Environment : Cinnamon Desktop2022/05/20

If you installed Fedora without GUI but now need GUI because of GUI required applications and so on, Install Desktop Environment like follows.
[1] Install Cinnamon Desktop Environment on this example.
[root@dlp ~]#
dnf -y group install "Cinnamon Desktop"

[2] After installing Desktop, to start Desktop session on CUI, re-login with a common user and run like follows.
[fedora@dlp ~]$
echo "exec /usr/bin/cinnamon-session" >> ~/.xinitrc

[fedora@dlp ~]$
[3] If you would like to change your System to Graphical Login as default,
Change setting like here and restart computer.
Then, Graphical Login screen is shown like follows.
[4] Cinnamon Desktop Session starts.
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