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RabbitMQ : Use on PHP2024/09/17


This is an example to use RabbitMQ on PHP.

[1] Install some packages.
root@dlp:~ #
pkg install -y php83-pecl-amqp
[2] This is an example of sending message on PHP.
For example, connect with RabbitMQ on [localhost] with a user [serverworld], virtualhost [my_vhost].
freebsd@dlp:~ $
vi send_msg.php

$connection = new AMQPConnection();

$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

try {
    $routing_key = 'Hello_World';
    $queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);

    $message = 'Hello RabbitMQ World!';
    $exchange->publish($message, $routing_key);
    echo " [x] Sent 'Hello_World'\n";
catch (Exception $ex) {


freebsd@dlp:~ $
php send_msg.php

 [x] Sent 'Hello_World'
[3] This is an example of receiving message on PHP.
freebsd@node01:~ $
vi receive_msg.php

$connection = new AMQPConnection();

$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

$callback_func = function(AMQPEnvelope $message, AMQPQueue $q) use (&$max_consume) {
    echo " [x] Received ", $message->getBody(), PHP_EOL;

try {
    $routing_key = 'Hello_World';
    $queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
    echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C ', PHP_EOL;
catch(AMQPQueueException $ex) {
catch(Exception $ex){

echo 'Close connection...', PHP_EOL;


freebsd@node01:~ $
php receive_msg.php

 [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C
 [x] Received Hello RabbitMQ World!
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