Munin : Set Thresholds2016/06/06 |
The monitoring target items are set as plugins and thresholds are defined in some plugins by default,
but if you'd like to add more thresholds to a plugin, configure like follows.
[1] | It's possible to see plugins like follows. |
# current enabled plugins are located under the directory below root@dlp:~# ls /etc/munin/plugins cpu forks interrupts netstat swap df fw_packets irqstats open_files threads df_inode http_loadtime load open_inodes uptime diskstats if_ens3 memory processes users entropy if_err_ens3 munin_stats proc_pri vmstat # installed plugins are located under the directory below root@dlp:~# ls /usr/share/munin/plugins acpi nvidia_ amavis open_files apache_accesses open_inodes apache_processes openvpn apache_volume perdition ..... ..... |
[2] | It's possible to display current values for each plugin. |
# display values for cpu plugin root@dlp:~# munin-run cpu user.value 7798 nice.value 4496 system.value 3589 idle.value 1739548 iowait.value 19460 irq.value 0 softirq.value 41 steal.value 83 guest.value 0 # display values for df plugin root@dlp:~# munin-run df _run.value 1.41642779480083 _dev_mapper_ubuntu__vg_root.value 7.65805319624569 _dev_shm.value 0 _run_lock.value 0 _sys_fs_cgroup.value 0 _dev_vda1.value 22.565656742098 _run_user_0.value 0 |
[3] | Set threshold's value in munin.conf like follows. ⇒ [plugin name].[field name].[warning | critical] min-value:max-value The field name is just the one which is displayed when executing "munin-run" command. The min-value or max-value can be omitted. |
vi /etc/munin/munin.conf # set threshold on target node [] address use_node_name yes # set 80% of warning and 90% of critical for user field in cpu plugin cpu.user.warning :80 cpu.user.critical :90 # set 80% of warning and 90% of critical for root partition field in df plugin df._dev_mapper_ubuntu__vg_root.warning :80 df._dev_mapper_ubuntu__vg_root.critical :90 |
[4] | If you configured notification setting and a value is over from the threshold's value, the email is sent like follows. |
Return-Path: <> X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 112) id C464315F576; Tue, 7 Jun 2016 13:25:06 +0900 (JST) Subject: Munin-notification for To: <> X-Mailer: mail (GNU Mailutils 2.99.99) Message-Id: <> Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 13:25:06 +0900 (JST) From: (munin application user) :: :: Disk usage in percent CRITICALs: / is 7.66 (outside range [:90]). OKs: /boot is 22.57, /sys/fs/cgroup is 0.00, /dev/shm is 0.00, /run/user/0 is 0.00, /run is 1.42, /run/lock is 0.00. |
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