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InfluxDB : Basic Database Management2022/10/26

This is InfluxDB Basic Database Management example.
[1] Create Database.
influx -username admin -password adminpassword

Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.7~rc0
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.7~rc0

# create [test_database] database
> create database test_database 

> show databases 
name: databases

> show users 
user        admin
----        -----
admin       true
ubuntu      false
serverworld true

# add all privileges to [serverworld] user on [test_database] database
> grant all on "test_database" to "serverworld" 

# add [read] privilege to [ubuntu] user on [test_database] database
> grant read on "test_database" to "ubuntu" 

> show grants for "serverworld" 
database      privilege
--------      ---------
test_database ALL PRIVILEGES

> exit
[2] Insert data to database.
# InfluxDB data series
# ⇒ measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
# insert <measurement>[,<tag_key>=<tag_value>[,<tag_key>=<tag_value>]] <field_key>=<field_value>[,<field_key>=<field_value>] [<timestamp>]
# [tag_set] is optional
# [timestamp] is optional ⇒ if [timestamp] is not specified, it is used current UNIX Time (nanosecond)
# possible to see UNIX Time (nanosecond) with [date] command ⇒ $ date +%s%N

# connect to [test_database]

influx -username serverworld -password userpassword -database test_database

Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.7~rc0
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.7~rc0

# insert data to [cpu] measurement
> insert cpu idle=99.50
> insert cpu idle=99.00
> insert cpu idle=99.30
> select * from cpu
name: cpu
time                idle
----                ----
1666748173588387671 99.5
1666748179269471433 99
1666748184725627241 99.3

# insert data to [weather] measurement
> insert weather,location=hiroshima temperature=20
> insert weather,location=hiroshima temperature=22
> insert weather,location=osaka temperature=18
> insert weather,location=osaka temperature=19
> select * from weather
name: weather
time                location  temperature
----                --------  -----------
1666748269677044859 hiroshima 20
1666748273989196156 hiroshima 22
1666748278925855820 osaka     18
1666748282790020300 osaka     19

# possible to search data with [WHERE]
> select * from weather where "location" = 'hiroshima' and temperature <= 20
name: weather
time                location  temperature
----                --------  -----------
1666748269677044859 hiroshima 20

# show [timestamp] with RFC3339 style
> precision rfc3339
> select * from weather
name: weather
time                           location  temperature
----                           --------  -----------
2022-10-26T01:37:49.677044859Z hiroshima 20
2022-10-26T01:37:53.989196156Z hiroshima 22
2022-10-26T01:37:58.92585582Z  osaka     18
2022-10-26T01:38:02.7900203Z   osaka     19

> exit
[3] Delete data.
# connect with RFC3339 style

influx -username serverworld -password userpassword -database test_database -precision rfc3339

Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.7~rc0
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.7~rc0

> select * from weather
name: weather
time                           location  temperature
----                           --------  -----------
2022-10-26T01:37:49.677044859Z hiroshima 20
2022-10-26T01:37:53.989196156Z hiroshima 22
2022-10-26T01:37:58.92585582Z  osaka     18
2022-10-26T01:38:02.7900203Z   osaka     19

# delete data that [timestamp] are older than [2022-10-26 01:37:50]
> delete from weather where time <= '2022-10-26 01:37:50'
> select * from weather
name: weather
time                           location  temperature
----                           --------  -----------
2022-10-26T01:37:53.989196156Z hiroshima 22
2022-10-26T01:37:58.92585582Z  osaka     18
2022-10-26T01:38:02.7900203Z   osaka     19

# delete data that tags are [location = hiroshima]
> drop series from "weather" where "location" = 'hiroshima'

# * delete *** ⇒ not drop series from Index, possible to search with Time Interval
# * drop *** ⇒ drop series from Index, impossible to search Time Interval

# delete [measurement]
> drop measurement "cpu"
> show measurements
name: measurements

# delete database
> drop database "test_database"
> show databases
name: databases

> exit
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