OpenStack Caracal : Add Compute Nodes2024/04/08 |
Add Compute Nodes to run more instances.
Following setting example is only for Nova Compute.
However, it also needs Network components for Compute Nodes, refer to follows for it. ⇒ Neutron with ML2 or Neutron with OVN
This example is based on the environment like follows.
------------+--------------------------+------------ | | eth0| eth0| +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+ | [ ] | | [ ] | | (Control Node) | | (Compute Node) | | | | | | MariaDB RabbitMQ | | Libvirt | | Memcached Nginx | | Nova Compute | | Keystone httpd | | | | Glance Nova API | | | +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ |
[1] | |
[2] |
Install KVM Hypervisor on Compute Node, refer to here.
It's unnecessary to set Bridge networking on the section [2] of the link. |
[3] | Install Nova-Compute. |
root@node01:~# apt -y install nova-compute nova-compute-kvm qemu-system-data
[4] | Configure Nova. |
root@node01:~# mv /etc/nova/nova.conf /etc/nova/
vi /etc/nova/nova.conf # create new [DEFAULT] state_path = /var/lib/nova enabled_apis = osapi_compute,metadata log_dir = /var/log/nova # RabbitMQ connection info transport_url = rabbit:// [api] auth_strategy = keystone [vnc] enabled = True # IP address compute instances listen # specify this node's IP server_listen = server_proxyclient_address = novncproxy_base_url = # Glance connection info [glance] api_servers = [oslo_concurrency] lock_path = $state_path/tmp # Keystone auth info [keystone_authtoken] www_authenticate_uri = auth_url = memcached_servers = auth_type = password project_domain_name = Default user_domain_name = Default project_name = service username = nova password = servicepassword # if using self-signed certs on Apache2 Keystone, turn to [true] insecure = false [placement] auth_url = os_region_name = RegionOne auth_type = password project_domain_name = Default user_domain_name = Default project_name = service username = placement password = servicepassword # if using self-signed certs on Apache2 Keystone, turn to [true] insecure = false [wsgi] api_paste_config = /etc/nova/api-paste.ini [oslo_policy] enforce_new_defaults = true chmod 640 /etc/nova/nova.conf root@node01:~# chgrp nova /etc/nova/nova.conf root@node01:~# systemctl restart nova-compute
[5] | Confirm the status of Nova services on Control Node. If all State is [up], they are running normally. |
# discover Compute Nodes root@dlp ~(keystone)# su -s /bin/bash nova -c "nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts" root@dlp ~(keystone)# openstack compute service list +-----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+-------+-------------+ | ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At | +-----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+-------+-------------+ | 8268fd91- | nova- | dlp.srv.w | internal | enabled | up | 2024-04- | | 044d- | scheduler | orld | | | | 08T02:39:09 | | 4710- | | | | | | .000000 | | 80a0- | | | | | | | | 346cd022c | | | | | | | | e91 | | | | | | | | 5cdd3007- | nova- | dlp.srv.w | internal | enabled | up | 2024-04- | | b49b- | conductor | orld | | | | 08T02:39:08 | | 480c- | | | | | | .000000 | | 87a3- | | | | | | | | 770d9c29c | | | | | | | | 867 | | | | | | | | 6cf0339a- | nova- | dlp.srv.w | nova | enabled | up | 2024-04- | | c03b- | compute | orld | | | | 08T02:39:07 | | 4a86- | | | | | | .000000 | | 9bc9- | | | | | | | | ecbccb2f4 | | | | | | | | e24 | | | | | | | | a5ebcc5e- | nova- | | nova | enabled | up | 2024-04- | | 7d79- | compute | | | | | 08T02:39:07 | | 4729- | | | | | | .000000 | | add5- | | | | | | | | 903d53699 | | | | | | | | a03 | | | | | | | +-----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+-------+-------------+ |
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