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Active Directory : Join in Domain2024/11/29


Join in Active Directory Domain from Other Windows Client computers.
This example is based on Windows 11.

On CUI Configuration, Execute Commands like follows.

[1] Logon as a user who have local administrative privilege and configure like follows.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# display network interfaces
PS C:\Users\serverworld> Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily IPv4 

ifIndex InterfaceAlias                  AddressFamily NlMtu(Bytes) InterfaceMetric Dhcp     ConnectionState PolicyStore
------- --------------                  ------------- ------------ --------------- ----     --------------- -----------
8       Ethernet0 2                     IPv4                  1500              15 Enabled  Connected       ActiveStore
1       Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1     IPv4            4294967295              75 Disabled Connected       ActiveStore

# add AD DS to DNS references
PS C:\Users\serverworld> Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 8 -ServerAddresses @("","") -PassThru 

InterfaceAlias               Interface Address ServerAddresses
                             Index     Family
--------------               --------- ------- ---------------
Ethernet0 2                          8 IPv6    {}
Ethernet0 2                          8 IPv4    {,}

PS C:\Users\serverworld> ipconfig /all | Select-String -Pattern "DNS" 

   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

# join in domaon
# for [Serverworld] word, it's a domain user, replace to yours
# for [UserP@ssw0rd01] word, it's the password of the user specified above
PS C:\Users\serverworld> Add-Computer -DomainName -Credential (New-Object PSCredential("Serverworld", (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "UserP@ssw0rd01" -Force))) 
WARNING: The changes will take effect after you restart the computer RX-0.

# restart computer
PS C:\Users\serverworld> Restart-Computer -Force 

# after restarting, verify to logon as a domain user
PS C:\Users\serverworld> whoami 

# make sure domain info (the command needs local administrative privilege)
PS C:\Users\serverworld> Get-WmiObject Win32_NTDomain 

ClientSiteName          :
DcSiteName              :
Description             : RX-0
DnsForestName           :
DomainControllerAddress :
DomainControllerName    :
DomainName              :
Roles                   :
Status                  : Unknown

ClientSiteName          : Default-First-Site-Name
DcSiteName              : Default-First-Site-Name
Description             : FD3S01
DnsForestName           :
DomainControllerAddress : \\
DomainControllerName    : \\FD3S
DomainName              : FD3S01
Roles                   :
Status                  : OK
Active Directory : Join in Domain (GUI)

On GUI Configuration, Configure like follows.

[2] Before setting, add AD DS to DNS references.
[3] Right-Click the Windows icon and select [System] in the menu, then Click [Domain or workgroup] link on the right pane.
[4] Move to [Computer Name] tab and click [Change] button.
[5] Check a box [Domain] and input domain name and next, click [OK] button.
[6] Authentication is required, authenticate with a domain User in Active Directory.
[7] After successfully authenticated, Welcome message is shown like follows. Restart the Computer once.
[8] On the logon screen after restarting Computer, click [Other user] to switch Domain user to logon.
[9] Authenticate with any Domain user.
[10] Thst's OK if successfully logoned as a domain user.
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