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iSCSI : Configure iSCSI Initiator2024/12/06


Configure iSCSI Initiator.
This example is based on Windows Server 2025, however it's the same procedure on Windows 11.

[1] On CUI configuration, Run PowerShell with Admin Privilege and Configure iSCSI Initiator.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# start iSCSI Initiator service & set [automatic] for Startup
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Start-Service -Name MSiSCSI 
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-Service -Name MSiSCSI -StartupType Automatic 

# set iSCSI Target to connect to
PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-IscsiTargetPortal -TargetPortalAddress "" 

InitiatorInstanceName  :
InitiatorPortalAddress :
IsDataDigest           : False
IsHeaderDigest         : False
TargetPortalAddress    :
TargetPortalPortNumber : 3260
PSComputerName         :

# show iSCSI Target
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-IscsiTarget 

IsConnected NodeAddress                                         PSComputerName
----------- -----------                                         --------------

# connect to iSCSI Target
# [-NodeAddress] : the name confirmed above
# [-ChapUsername] : username that you set on iSCSI Target Config
# [-ChapUsername] : password of the user above
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Connect-IscsiTarget `
-NodeAddress `
-AuthenticationType ONEWAYCHAP `
-ChapUsername "username" `
-ChapSecret "UserP@ssw0rd01" `
-IsPersistent $True 

AuthenticationType      : ONEWAYCHAP
InitiatorInstanceName   : ROOT\ISCSIPRT\0000_0
InitiatorNodeAddress    :
InitiatorPortalAddress  :
InitiatorSideIdentifier : 400001370000
IsConnected             : True
IsDataDigest            : False
IsDiscovered            : True
IsHeaderDigest          : False
IsPersistent            : True
NumberOfConnections     : 1
SessionIdentifier       : ffff9d018dcff010-4000013700000002
TargetNodeAddress       :
TargetSideIdentifier    : 0100
PSComputerName          :

# show established connection
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-IscsiConnection 

ConnectionIdentifier : ffff9d018dcff010-1
InitiatorAddress     :
InitiatorPortNumber  : 40669
TargetAddress        :
TargetPortNumber     : 3260
PSComputerName       :

# show disks
# on the example blow, [Number 1] is the iSCSI disk
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Disk | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap 

Number Friendly Name            Serial Number                            HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition Style
------ -------------            -------------                            ------------ ----------------- ---------- -------------
1      MSFT Virtual HD          237968DB-CBF0-49A4-BCE8-05270CF933A8     Healthy      Offline                10 GB RAW
0      VMware Virtual NVMe Disk 4F7A_E576_94E1_D1A9_000C_296C_C457_1E3E. Healthy      Online                100 GB GPT
[2] To enable to read or write iSCSI disks, set like follows.
# turn it online
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-Disk -Number 1 -IsOffline $False 

# initialize it with GPT partitoon type
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Initialize-Disk -Number 1 -PartitionStyle GPT 

# confirm settings
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Disk | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap 

Number Friendly Name            Serial Number                            HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition Style
------ -------------            -------------                            ------------ ----------------- ---------- ---------------
1      MSFT Virtual HD          237968DB-CBF0-49A4-BCE8-05270CF933A8     Healthy      Online                 10 GB GPT
0      VMware Virtual NVMe Disk 4F7A_E576_94E1_D1A9_000C_296C_C457_1E3E. Healthy      Online                100 GB GPT

# assign drive letter and create partition
PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-Partition -DiskNumber 1 -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter 

   DiskPath: \\?\scsi#disk&ven_msft&prod_virtual_hd#1&1c121344&0&000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

PartitionNumber  DriveLetter Offset                                                 Size Type
---------------  ----------- ------                                                 ---- ----
2                E           16777216                                            9.98 GB Basic

# format with NTFS
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Format-Volume -DriveLetter E -FileSystem NTFS -Force 

DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining    Size
----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- -------------    ----
E                        NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                      9.95 GB 9.98 GB

# confirm settings
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Volume | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap 

DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining     Size
----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- -------------     ----
D                        Unknown        CD-ROM    Healthy      Unknown                     0 B      0 B
                         FAT32          Fixed     Healthy      OK                     62.84 MB    96 MB
                         NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                    147.81 MB   674 MB
C                        NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                     85.54 GB 99.23 GB
E                        NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                      9.95 GB  9.98 GB
iSCSI : Configure iSCSI Initiator (GUI)

On GUI configuration, set like follows.

[3] Run Server Manager and Open [Tools] - [iSCSI Initiator].
On initial starting, confirmation message is shown because iSCSI Initiator service is not enabled by default.
[4] Input Target's Hostname or IP address on [Target] field and click [Quick Connect] button.
[5] iSCSI Target has been detected like follows, click [Done] button.
[6] Click [Connect] button.
[7] Click [Advanced] button.
[8] Check a box [Enable CHAP log on] and specify username and password on the fileds. They are the one you set on iSCSI Target's configuration.
[9] Click [OK] button.
[10] If successfully connected, the status turns to [Connected] like follows. That's OK to configure iSCSI initiator settings.
[11] On the [Disk Management] tool, the iSCSI Disk has been attached like follows.
[12] To use the iSCSI Disk, turn it online and initialize it and then assign drive letter to it.
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