Ubuntu 13.04
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Configure Services and Jobs.
There are the one with Upstart and the one with SysVinit.
[1] For Upstart one, list all like follows.
The one with "start/running" is executed when booting the system. And also the one with "process ***" are the daemon service.
initctl list

mountall-net stop/waiting
mountnfs-bootclean.sh start/running
passwd stop/waiting
rc stop/waiting
rsyslog start/running, process 1021
screen-cleanup stop/waiting
tty4 start/running, process 1079
udev start/running, process 429
upstart-udev-bridge start/running, process 423
[2] For Upstart one, the configration file is under "/etc/init". Jobs are controled by them.
For example, if you'd like to stop "atd" and disable autostart, set like follows.
initctl stop atd

atd stop/waiting
vi /etc/init/atd.conf
# make it comment

start on runlevel [2345]
[3] For Upstart one, it's possible to know jobs like follows which are executed when booting. And also it's possible to know the meanings for "start on ***" with "man upstart-events".
grep "start on" /etc/init/*

/etc/init/acpid.conf:start on runlevel [2345]
/etc/init/apport.conf:start on runlevel [2345]
/etc/init/atd.conf:#start on runlevel [2345]
/etc/init/bootmisc.sh.conf:start on virtual-filesystems
/etc/init/checkfs.sh.conf:start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/
/etc/init/checkroot-bootclean.sh.conf:start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/
/etc/init/checkroot.sh.conf:start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/
/etc/init/console.conf:start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345] and container CONTAINER=lxc
/etc/init/console-font.conf:start on starting plymouth-splash

man upstart-events

Table 1: Well-Known System Events Summary.

|Ref |          Event           | Type | Emit |          Time          | Note |
|    | all-swaps                |  S   |  M   | > (5)                  |      |
|    | control-alt-delete(7)    |  S   |  A   | > (5)                  |  A   |
|    | container                |  S   |  C   | > /run mounted         |  Q   |
|    | dbus-activation          |  S   |  B   | > D-Bus client request |      |
|    | deconfiguring-networking |  H   |  V   | < non-local IFs down   |  P   |
|    | desktop-session-start    |  H   |  D   | > X(7) session created |  B   |
|    | desktop-shutdown         |  H   |  D   | > X(7) session ended   |  O   |
|    | device-not-ready         |  H   |  M   | > (2)                  |  N   |
|    | drm-device-added         |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | failsafe-boot            |  S   |  X   | > (7) and local IF     |  S   |
|    | file                     |  S   |  K   | > (1)                  |  U   |
| 7  | filesystem               |  S   |  M   | After last (1)         |  D   |
|    | graphics-device-added    |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | keyboard-request(7)      |  S   |  A   | > (5)                  |  E   |
|    | local-filesystems(7)     |  S   |  M   | > (6)                  |      |
|    | login-session-start      |  H   |  D   | < DM running           |  F   |
| 1  | mounted(7)               |  H   |  M   | > associated (2)       |  G   |
| 2  | mounting(7)              |  H   |  M   | > (5)                  |  H   |
| 3  | net-device-added         |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | net-device-changed       |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | net-device-down          |  S   |  F   | < (4)                  |  C   |
| 4  | net-device-removed       |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | net-device-up            |  S   | F,N  | > (3)                  |  C   |
|    | not-container            |  S   |  C   | > /run mounted         |  Q   |
|    | power-status-changed(7)  |  S   |  I   | > (5)                  |  I   |
|    | recovery                 |  S   |  G   | Boot (<5)              |  R   |
|    | remote-filesystems(7)    |  S   |  M   | > (6)                  |      |
|    | runlevel(7)              |  M   |  T   | > (7) + (8)            |      |
|    | socket(7)                |  S   |  S   | > socket connection    |      |
| 5  | startup(7)               |  S   |  I   | Boot                   |  J   |
|    | started(7)               |  S   |  I   | > job started          |  K   |
|    | starting(7)              |  H   |  I   | < job starts           |  K   |
| 8  | static-network-up        |  S   |  N   | > last static IF up    |      |
|    | stopped(7)               |  S   |  I   | > job stopped          |  K   |
|    | stopping(7)              |  H   |  I   | < job stops            |  K   |
|    | unmounted-remote-        |  H   |  V   | >   last   remote   FS |  L   |
|    | filesystems              |      |      | unmounted              |      |
| 6  | virtual-filesystems(7)   |  S   |  M   | > last virtual FS (1)  |  M   |

Table 2: Well-Known User Events Summary.

|Ref |      Event       | Type | Emit |              Time               | Note |
|    | desktop-end(7)   |  S   |  J   | < (2)                           |      |
|    | desktop-start(7) |  H   |  J   | > (3)                           |      |
|    | file             |  S   |  K   | > (1)                           |  U   |
| 2  | session-end(7)   |  M   |  I   | < Session Init end              |      |
| 1  | startup(7)       |  S   |  I   | > Session Init start            |  J   |
|    | :sys:*           |  S   |  E   | > upstart-event-bridge(8) start |      |
| 3  | xsession         |  M   |  H   | > (1)                           |  T   |

Table 3: Event Types.

|Ref | Event Type | Notes                         |
| H  | Hook       | Blocking.  Waits  for  events |
|    |            | that start on or stop on this |
|    |            | event.                        |
| M  | Method     | Blocking task.                |
| S  | Signal     | Non-blocking.                 |

Table 4: Event Emitters.

|Ref | Emitter                          | Notes                           |
| A  | System Administrator (initiator) | Technically emitted by init(8). |
| B  | dbus-daemon(1)                   | Run with "--activation=upstart" |
| C  | container-detect job             |                                 |
| D  | Display Manager                  | e.g. lightdm/gdm/kdm/xdm.       |
| E  | upstart-event-bridge(8)          |                                 |
| F  | ifup(8) or ifdown(8)             | See /etc/network/.              |
| G  | bootloader or initramfs          |                                 |
| H  | xsession-init session job        |                                 |
| I  | init(8)                          | Either PID 1 or a Session Init. |
| J  | job that starts desktop          | gnome-session job for Ubuntu.   |
| K  | upstart-file-bridge(8)           |                                 |
| M  | mountall(8)                      |                                 |
| N  | network-interface job            |                                 |
| S  | upstart-socket-bridge(8)         |                                 |
| T  | telinit(8), shutdown(8)          |                                 |
| U  | upstart-udev-bridge(8)           |                                 |
| V  | System V init system             |                                 |
| X  | failsafe job                     |                                 |

Table 5: Event Summary Notes.

|Note | Detail                                                          |
| A   | Requires administrator to press Control-Alt-Delete key combina- |
|     | tion on the console.                                            |
| B   | Event generated when user performs graphical login.             |
| C   | These are specific examples. upstart-udev-bridge(8)  will  emit |
|     | events  which  match the pattern, "S-device-A" where 'S' is the |
|     | udev subsystem and 'A' is the udev action. See udev(7) and  for |
|     | further  details.  If  you  have sysfs mounted, you can look in |
|     | /sys/class/ for possible values for subsystem.                  |
| D   | Note this is in the singular - there is no 'filesystems' event. |
| E   | Emitted when administrator presses Alt-UpArrow key  combination |
|     | on the console.                                                 |
| F   | Denotes Display Manager running (about to be displayed), but no |
|     | users logged in yet.                                            |
| G   | Generated for each mount that completes successfully.           |
| H   | Emitted when mount attempt for single entry from  fstab(5)  for |
|     | any filesystem type is about to begin.                          |
| I   | Emitted when Upstart receives the SIGPWR signal.                |
| J   | Initial event (system or Session Init).                         |
| K   | Although the events are emmitted by init(8), the instigator may |
|     | be initctl(8) if a System Administrator has manually started or |
|     | stopped a job.                                                  |
| L   | /etc/init/umountnfs.sh.                                         |
| M   | Emitted when all virtual filesystems (such as /proc) mounted.   |
| N   | Emitted  when the --dev-wait-time timeout is exceeded for moun- |
|     | tall(8).  This defaults to 30 seconds.                          |
| O   | Emitted when the X(7) display  manager  exits  at  shutdown  or |
|     | reboot, to hand off to the shutdown splash manager.             |
| P   | Emitted  by  /etc/init.d/networking  just prior to stopping all |
|     | non-local network interfaces.                                   |
| Q   | Either 'container' or 'not-container' is emitted (depending  on |
|     | the environment), but not both.                                 |
| R   | Emitted  by  either  the  initramfs  or bootloader (for example |
|     | grub) as the initial event (rather than startup(7))  to  denote |
|     | the  system has booted into recovery mode. If recovery was suc- |
|     | cessful, the standard startup(7) event is then emitted,  allow- |
|     | ing the system to boot as normal.                               |
| S   | Emitted  to  indicate  the system has failed to boot within the |
|     | expected time. This event will trigger other jobs  to  forcibly |
|     | attempt to bring the system into a usable state.                |
| T   | Only emitted for a graphical session.                           |
| U   | See file-event(7).                                              |
[4] For SysVinit one, for example, NTP, it's easy to manage them to install a tool like follows.
aptitude -y install sysv-rc-conf
sysv-rc-conf --list
# list services
sysv-rc-conf ntp on
# set auto-start for NTP

sysv-rc-conf ntp off
# disable auto-start for NTP

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