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NFS Server : Connection from NFS Client2024/12/06


This is How to connect to NFS Server from NFS Client.

On this example, connect to the NFS Share like this configuration from a Client.


Run PowerShell with Admin Privilege on the NFS Client that you set access permission to connect on NFS Server settings.

For the setting of the example of link above (Quick NFS Share),
it's possible to mount and read/write with any user from the Hosts you added in access permission on the NFS server.

For mount commands,
it's possbile to mount NFS Share with the command [C:\Windows\system32\mount.exe] that is installed by NFS Client installation, or also possible to use PowerShell Cmdlet [New-PSDrive] command.

On PowerShell by default, [mount] command is set Alias to [New-PSDrive] command, so if use [mount] command, specify full name of the filename [mount.exe].
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

# mount with [mount.exe] on Z drive
# syntax is the same with [mount] command on Linux
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> mount.exe Z:\ 
Z: is now successfully connected to

The command completed successfully.

PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-PSDrive Z 

Name           Used (GB)     Free (GB) Provider      Root                            CurrentLocation
----           ---------     --------- --------      ----                            ---------------
Z                  13.37         85.85 FileSystem    \\\nfsshare01

# verify reading and writing
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> echo "write test" > Z:\testfile.txt 
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-Content Z:\testfile.txt 
write test

# for unmount, run like follows
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> umount.exe Z:\ 

Disconnecting           Z:      \\\nfsshare01
The command completed successfully.

# mount with [New-PSDrive] on Z drive
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-PSDrive -Name Z -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\\nfsshare01" 

Name           Used (GB)     Free (GB) Provider      Root                                                                 CurrentLocation
----           ---------     --------- --------      ----                                                                 ---------------
Z                                      FileSystem    \\\nfsshare01

# unmount, run like follows
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Remove-PSDrive Z 
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