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Windows Server Failover Clustering : Add Shared Storage2024/12/23


Add New Shared Storage for data saving as a Cluster Disk to existing WSFC Cluster.

+----------------------+           |           +----------------------+
|  [      AD DS     ]  | ||  [  iSCSI Target  ]  |
|    +-----------+-----------+   |
|                      |           |           |                      |
+----------------------+           |           +----------------------+
+----------------------+           |           +----------------------+
|  [ Cluster Node#1 ]  | ||  [ Cluster Node#2 ]  |
|    +-----------+-----------+    |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+


On CUI Configuration, run PowerShell and Set like follows.


Install iSCSI Target Server on Shared storage Host.

[2] Configure shared storage on iSCSI Target Server that is used as Data disk in Cluster.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-IscsiServerTarget 

ChapUserName                : username
ClusterGroupName            :
ComputerName                :
Description                 :
EnableChap                  : True
EnableReverseChap           : False
EnforceIdleTimeoutDetection : True
FirstBurstLength            : 65536
IdleDuration                : 00:00:00
InitiatorIds                : {IPAddress:, IPAddress:}
LastLogin                   : 12/22/2024 5:30:12 PM
LunMappings                 : {TargetName:iSCSITarget01;VHD:"C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx";LUN:0}
MaxBurstLength              : 262144
MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength : 65536
ReceiveBufferCount          : 10
ReverseChapUserName         :
Sessions                    : {400001370000-0200, 400001370001-0300}
Status                      : Connected
TargetIqn                   :
TargetName                  : iSCSITarget01

# create a shared disk for Data (specify any size you need for Data disk)
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-IscsiVirtualDisk -Path "C:\iSCSIDisk\DataDisk01.vhdx" -SizeBytes 30GB 

ClusterGroupName   :
ComputerName       :
Description        :
DiskType           : Dynamic
HostVolumeId       : {95471308-8C32-4533-A343-B2338BD6D05F}
LocalMountDeviceId :
OriginalPath       :
ParentPath         :
Path               : C:\iSCSIDisk\DataDisk01.vhdx
SerialNumber       : 6C2CCA3A-B854-41B3-9B66-E1C51486D420
Size               : 32212254720
SnapshotIds        :
Status             : NotConnected
VirtualDiskIndex   : 1150887299

# assign disks to iSCSI target
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Add-IscsiVirtualDiskTargetMapping -TargetName "iSCSITarget01" -Path "C:\iSCSIDisk\DataDisk01.vhdx" 

# confirm settings
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-IscsiServerTarget -TargetName "iSCSITarget01" 

ChapUserName                : username
ClusterGroupName            :
ComputerName                :
Description                 :
EnableChap                  : True
EnableReverseChap           : False
EnforceIdleTimeoutDetection : True
FirstBurstLength            : 65536
IdleDuration                : 00:00:00
InitiatorIds                : {IPAddress:, IPAddress:}
LastLogin                   : 12/22/2024 5:30:12 PM
LunMappings                 : {TargetName:iSCSITarget01;VHD:"C:\iSCSIDisk\Quorum01.vhdx";LUN:0,
MaxBurstLength              : 262144
MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength : 65536
ReceiveBufferCount          : 10
ReverseChapUserName         :
Sessions                    : {400001370000-0200, 400001370001-0300}
Status                      : Connected
TargetIqn                   :
TargetName                  : iSCSITarget01
[3] On a Node which is the primary in Cluster, Format iSCSI disk with NTFS and add it to the Cluster.
# show disks
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-Disk | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap 

Number Friendly Name   Serial Number                        HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition Style
------ -------------   -------------                        ------------ ----------------- ---------- ---------------
0      QEMU HARDDISK   QM00001                              Healthy      Online                 80 GB GPT
2      MSFT Virtual HD 6C2CCA3A-B854-41B3-9B66-E1C51486D420 Healthy      Offline                30 GB RAW
1      MSFT Virtual HD 67D31FBD-27F5-4FE5-A609-0496236D39EA Healthy      Online                512 MB GPT

# turn to online and initialize with GPT
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Set-Disk -Number 2 -IsOffline $False 
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Initialize-Disk -Number 2 -PartitionStyle GPT 

# create partition with assigning drive letter
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> New-Partition -DiskNumber 2 -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter 

   DiskPath: \\?\Disk{8950ea02-cfb2-ec6f-9e42-9c2c4ec45abb}

PartitionNumber  DriveLetter Offset                                            Size Type
---------------  ----------- ------                                            ---- ----
2                E           16777216                                      29.98 GB Basic

# format with NTFS
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Format-Volume -DriveLetter E -FileSystem NTFS -Force 

DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining     Size
----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- -------------     ----
E                        NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                     29.91 GB 29.98 GB

# add new disk to the cluster
PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-Disk -Number 2 | Add-ClusterDisk 

Name           State  OwnerGroup        ResourceType
----           -----  ----------        ------------
Cluster Disk 2 Online Available Storage Physical Disk

PS C:\Users\Serverworld> Get-ClusterResource 

Name               State  OwnerGroup         ResourceType
----               -----  ----------         ------------
Cluster Disk 1     Online Cluster Group      Physical Disk
Cluster Disk 2     Online Available Storage  Physical Disk
Cluster IP Address Online Cluster Group      IP Address
Cluster Name       Online Cluster Group      Network Name
User Manager       Online User Manager Group User Manager
Windows Server Failover Clustering : Add Shared Storage (GUI)

On GUI Configuration, Configure like follows.


Configure iSCSI Target Server to create a shared storage that is used as Data disk in Cluster, refer to here.
On this example, configure following settings.

iSCSI Target ⇒ [iSCSITarget01]
shared storage ⇒ [C:\iSCSIDisk\DataDisk01.vhdx] (30GB)

[5] On primary Node, format the new disk with NTFS and next, run [Failover Cluster Manager]. Click [Storage] - [Disks] - [Add Disk] on the left pane.
[6] Select a disk you'd like to add to the cluster and click [OK] button.
[7] New shared storage has been added as a cluster disk.
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