FreeBSD 14
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RabbitMQ : Install rabbitmqadmin2024/09/17


It's possible to configure RabbitMQ to use rabbitmqadmin command.

[1] Download [rabbitmqadmin] on Web UI (for how to enable Web UI, refer to here).
Login to Web UI and move to [(hostname or IP address):15672/cli], then following screen is shown, you can download [rabbitmqadmin] on here.
[2] Upload [rabbitmqadmin] to RabbitMQ Server and set suitable permissions.
On this example, it sets like follows.
root@dlp:~ #
ls -l /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root wheel 42603 Aug 26 13:13 /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin

root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin
# line 1 : change python binary name
# if you installed [python3] meta package, no change needed
#!/usr/bin/env python3.11
[3] This is the basic usage for [rabbitmqadmin] command.
# show sub-commands list
# for options list, input [help] only

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin help subcommands

  rabbitmqadmin [options] subcommand

  where subcommand is one of:


  list connections [<column>...]

# show user list

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin list users

|    name     |       hashing_algorithm        |                  password_hash                   |     tags      |
| guest       | rabbit_password_hashing_sha256 | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | administrator |
| serverworld | rabbit_password_hashing_sha256 | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | administrator |

# show virtualhost list

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin list vhosts

|   name    | messages |
| /         |          |
| /my_vhost |          |

# add user

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin declare user name=freebsd password=password tags=administrator

user declared
# add virtualhost

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin declare vhost name=/vhost01

vhost declared
# grant permission

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin declare permission vhost=/vhost01 user=freebsd configure=".*" write=".*" read=".*"

permission declared
# add queue

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin -V /vhost01 -u freebsd -p password declare queue name=my_queue01

queue declared
# send message

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin -V /vhost01 -u freebsd -p password publish routing_key=my_queue01 payload='Hello RabbitMQ World!' exchange=amq.default

Message published
# receive message

root@dlp:~ #
rabbitmqadmin -V /vhost01 -u freebsd -p password get queue=my_queue01

| routing_key | exchange | message_count |        payload        | payload_bytes | payload_encoding | properties | redelivered |
| my_queue01  |          | 0             | Hello RabbitMQ World! | 21            | string           |            | False       |
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