Windows 2025
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IIS : Enable HSTS2024/12/18


Enable HSTS (Hypertext Strict Transport Security) for Web Sites.

For [includeSubDomains] option below, all subdomains are included in HSTS target, so you need to verify well before setting it's possible to access to all subdomains with HTTS if specify this option.


Enable SSL/TLS settings for Web Sites you's like to enable HSTS.

[2] Run PowerShell with Admin Privilege and Configure.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Website 

Name             ID   State      Physical Path                  Bindings
----             --   -----      -------------                  --------
Default Web Site 1    Started    %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot  http *:80:   2    Started    C:\inetpub\newsite             http *
                                                                https * sslFlags=0

# set site name you'd like to enable HSTS
PS C:\Users\Administrator> [String]$MySite = "" 

# enable HSTS for the target site
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-IISConfigAttributeValue -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigElement -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigCollectionElement -ConfigCollection (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" | Get-IISConfigCollection) -ConfigAttribute @{"name"=$MySite}) -ChildElementName "hsts") -AttributeName "enabled" -AttributeValue $true 

# set [max-age] of HSTS as 31536000 sec (365 days)
# for [max-age], refer to 
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-IISConfigAttributeValue -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigElement -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigCollectionElement -ConfigCollection (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" | Get-IISConfigCollection) -ConfigAttribute @{"name"=$MySite}) -ChildElementName "hsts") -AttributeName "max-age" -AttributeValue 31536000 

# set [includeSubDomains] of HSTS as enabled
# this option applys to all subdomains
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-IISConfigAttributeValue -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigElement -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigCollectionElement -ConfigCollection (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" | Get-IISConfigCollection) -ConfigAttribute @{"name"=$MySite}) -ChildElementName "hsts") -AttributeName "includeSubDomains" -AttributeValue $true 

# set [redirectHttpToHttps] of HSTS as enabled
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-IISConfigAttributeValue -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigElement -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigCollectionElement -ConfigCollection (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" | Get-IISConfigCollection) -ConfigAttribute @{"name"=$MySite}) -ChildElementName "hsts") -AttributeName "redirectHttpToHttps" -AttributeValue $true 

# set [preload] of HSTS as enabled
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-IISConfigAttributeValue -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigElement -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigCollectionElement -ConfigCollection (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" | Get-IISConfigCollection) -ConfigAttribute @{"name"=$MySite}) -ChildElementName "hsts") -AttributeName "preload" -AttributeValue $true 

# confirm settings
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-IISConfigElement -ConfigElement (Get-IISConfigCollectionElement -ConfigCollection (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" | Get-IISConfigCollection) -ConfigAttribute @{"name"=$MySite}) -ChildElementName "hsts" 

Attributes      : {enabled, max-age, includeSubDomains, preload...}
ChildElements   : {}
ElementTagName  : hsts
IsLocallyStored : True
Methods         :
RawAttributes   : {[enabled, True], [max-age, 31536000], [includeSubDomains, True], [preload, True]...}
Schema          : Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationElementSchema
IIS : Enable HSTS (GUI)

On GUI configuration, set like follows.

[3] Run [Start] - [Server Manager] and Click [Tools] - [Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager], and then Select a Web Site you'd like to set HSTS and Click [HSTS...] on the right pane.
[4] Check a box [Enable].
For other items, refer to [].
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