Valkey : Use Benchmark2025/02/03 |
It's possible to run a benchmark test with a tool included in Valkey package. |
[1] | Use valkey-benchmark tool like follows. For others, there are some options to specify number of requests and so on, see [valkey-benchmark --help]. |
[root@dlp ~]# valkey-benchmark -h -p 6379 -a password ====== PING_INLINE ====== 100000 requests completed in 0.70 seconds 50 parallel clients 3 bytes payload keep alive: 1 host configuration "save": 3600 1 300 100 60 10000 host configuration "appendonly": no multi-thread: no Latency by percentile distribution: 0.000% <= 0.055 milliseconds (cumulative count 1) 50.000% <= 0.183 milliseconds (cumulative count 72449) 75.000% <= 0.191 milliseconds (cumulative count 90840) 93.750% <= 0.199 milliseconds (cumulative count 94027) 96.875% <= 0.223 milliseconds (cumulative count 97708) 98.438% <= 0.231 milliseconds (cumulative count 99158) 99.219% <= 0.239 milliseconds (cumulative count 99449) 99.609% <= 0.255 milliseconds (cumulative count 99632) 99.805% <= 0.383 milliseconds (cumulative count 99807) 99.902% <= 1.207 milliseconds (cumulative count 99915) 99.951% <= 1.271 milliseconds (cumulative count 99952) 99.976% <= 1.655 milliseconds (cumulative count 99976) 99.988% <= 1.927 milliseconds (cumulative count 99988) 99.994% <= 2.143 milliseconds (cumulative count 99994) 99.997% <= 2.215 milliseconds (cumulative count 99997) 99.998% <= 2.247 milliseconds (cumulative count 99999) 99.999% <= 2.263 milliseconds (cumulative count 100000) 100.000% <= 2.263 milliseconds (cumulative count 100000) ..... ..... Cumulative distribution of latencies: 0.007% <= 0.103 milliseconds (cumulative count 7) 34.122% <= 0.207 milliseconds (cumulative count 34122) 93.470% <= 0.303 milliseconds (cumulative count 93470) 99.584% <= 0.407 milliseconds (cumulative count 99584) 99.724% <= 0.503 milliseconds (cumulative count 99724) 99.782% <= 0.607 milliseconds (cumulative count 99782) 99.834% <= 0.703 milliseconds (cumulative count 99834) 99.878% <= 0.807 milliseconds (cumulative count 99878) 99.905% <= 0.903 milliseconds (cumulative count 99905) 99.919% <= 1.007 milliseconds (cumulative count 99919) 99.934% <= 1.103 milliseconds (cumulative count 99934) 99.949% <= 1.207 milliseconds (cumulative count 99949) 99.950% <= 1.303 milliseconds (cumulative count 99950) 99.983% <= 15.103 milliseconds (cumulative count 99983) 100.000% <= 16.103 milliseconds (cumulative count 100000) Summary: throughput summary: 134952.77 requests per second latency summary (msec): avg min p50 p95 p99 max 0.239 0.072 0.231 0.311 0.359 15.415 |
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