Fedora 40
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KVM : Nested KVM2024/05/09

Configure Nested KVM. It's possible to install KVM Hypervisor and Create virtual machines as nested KVM on KVM host.
[1] Enable Nested KVM setting. (enabled by default)
# confirm current setting

[root@dlp ~]#
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested

# disabled

[root@dlp ~]#
vi /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
# uncomment either of the line
# for Intel CPU, select [kvm_intel]
# for AMD CPU, select [kvm_amd]

options kvm_intel nested=1
#options kvm_amd nested=1
# unload

[root@dlp ~]#
modprobe -r kvm_intel
# reload

[root@dlp ~]#
modprobe kvm_intel
[root@dlp ~]#
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested

# just enabled

[2] Edit the configuration of a virtual machine you'd like to set nested like follows.
It's OK to configure nested KVM and you can create virtual machines on the virtual machine nested.
( for details of CPU mode ⇒ libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsCPU )
# edit the settings of a VM [fedora40]

[root@dlp ~]#
virsh edit fedora40
# specify [host-passthrough] or [host-model] for [cpu mode] section
# on Fedora 40, [host-passthrough] is set by default

<cpu mode='
' check='none' migratable='on'/>
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