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Zabbix 7.0 : Add Monitoring Target Item2024/09/04


The templates are provided by default for well known services, so it's easy possible to monitor them.

For example, Add Apache httpd service on Zabbix server as a monitoring target item.

[1] Enable server-status on Apache httpd.
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/server-status.conf
# create new

<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Require local

root@dlp:~ #
service apache24 reload

[2] Login to Zabbix admin site with admin user and click [Data collection] - [Hosts] on the left pane, and then click the target Host you add a new item and select [Configuration].
[3] Click [Select] button on [Templates] section.
[4] Click [Select] button.
[5] Click [Templates/Applications].
[6] Select [Apache by HTTP].
[7] Click the [Update] button to update the settings.
[8] Click the [Apache by HTTP] link to open the settings.
[9] Go to the [Macros] tab, enter in {$APACHE.STATUS.HOST}, and click Update.
[10] This completes the setup. After a certain period of time has passed, the data will start to be displayed.
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