Bacula - Configure Client ( Windows )2011/05/18 |
It's possible to take backup Windows' files because File Daemon for Windows is also provided.
This example shows to install File Daemon on Windows Server 2008.
[1] | Download the tool for Windows from the site below. It's the same procedure with here for installing. But for only one point, Install all components on here. ⇒ |
[2] | After installation, Open the configuration file like follows. |
[3] | After opening the file, set passeord to connect to Director Daemon like follows. |
[4] | Make the Monitor section comments like follows. Then, Save the file and quit. |
[5] | Retart the File service to enable the new settings. And also, Allow 9102 and 9103 port on Windows firewall. |
[6] | Configure Bacula Director |
[root@director ~]#
vi /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf # near line 39: add JobDefs { # set any name you like Name = "Windows-Job" Type = Backup Level = Incremental # the name set in Windows FileDaemon Client = e-fd3s-fd # set any name FileSet = "Windows-Backup" Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" Storage = File Messages = Standard Pool = Default Priority = 10 } Job { # set any name Name = "Windows-Client1" # the name in JobDefs section JobDefs = "Windows-Job" Write Bootstrap = "/var/spool/bacula/WinClient.bsr" } # near line 101: add Job { Name = "Win-Restore" # set any name Type = Restore # the name set in Windows FileDaemon Client=e-fd3s-fd # the name set in JobDefs section FileSet="Windows-Backup" Storage = File Pool = Default Messages = Standard # specify the forder on Windows that restored file is placed ( separated is not "\", but "/" ) Where = "C:/Restore" } FileSet { # the name in JobDefs section Name = "Windows-Backup" Include { Options { signature = MD5 Compression = GZIP } # backup target ( separated is not "\", but "/" ) File = "C:/Users/Administrator" } } # near line 177: add Client { # the name set in JobDefs section Name = e-fd3s-fd # Windows' hostname or IP address Address = FDPort = 9102 Catalog = MyCatalog l # password to connect to Bacula Director Password = "password" File Retention = 30 days Job Retention = 6 months AutoPrune = yes } /etc/rc.d/init.d/bacula-dir restart Shutting down bacula-dir: [ OK ] Starting bacula-dir: [ OK ] |
[7] | Configurations complete. Execute backup and Execute restore is the same procedure on the links. The screen below is the one after executing restore. |
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