CentOS Stream 8
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Usermin : Install2021/06/09

Install Usermin that is web based configuration tool for common users.
[1] Install required packages first.
# install from EPEL

[root@dlp ~]#
dnf --enablerepo=epel -y install perl-Net-SSLeay perl-Authen-PAM
[2] Install Usermin. Make sure the latest version and install it.
⇒ http://download.webmin.com/download/yum/
[root@dlp ~]#
dnf -y install http://download.webmin.com/download/yum/usermin-1.823-1.noarch.rpm
[root@dlp ~]#
vi /etc/usermin/miniserv.conf
# last line : add access permission

# prohibit login as root account

[root@dlp ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/usermin start

[3] If Firewalld running, allow service port.
[root@dlp ~]#
firewall-cmd --add-port=20000/tcp --permanent

[root@dlp ~]#
firewall-cmd --reload

[4] Access to the [https://(server's hostname or IP address):20000/] from a client computer which is in the network you allowed. Then, Usermin login form is displayed, it's possible to login as any OS common user account.
[5] This is the main page of Usermin. It's possible to configure various user settings.
[6] You can change to your language to click [Usermin] - [Change Language] on the left pane and click [Display in language] on the right pane.
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