FreeBSD 14
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Set System Timezone2024/01/22

If you would like to change System Timezone, set like follows.
[1] Replace to your own timezone on the example below.
# display current timezone setting

root@dlp:~ #
cat /var/db/zoneinfo

# display available timezone info

root@dlp:~ #
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo

Africa          CET             Egypt           GMT+0           Iran            MST7MDT         Poland          UTC
America         CST6CDT         Eire            GMT-0           Israel          Mexico          Portugal        Universal
Antarctica      Canada          Etc             GMT0            Jamaica         NZ              ROC             W-SU
Arctic          Chile           Europe          Greenwich       Japan           NZ-CHAT         ROK             WET
Asia            Cuba            Factory         HST             Kwajalein       Navajo          Singapore       Zulu
Atlantic        EET             GB              Hongkong        Libya           PRC             Turkey
Australia       EST             GB-Eire         Iceland         MET             PST8PDT         UCT   
Brazil          EST5EDT         GMT             Indian          MST             Pacific         US

# change to your timezone

root@dlp:~ #
tzsetup Asia/Tokyo
root@dlp:~ #
cat /var/db/zoneinfo

root@dlp:~ #

Mon Jan 22 12:37:01 JST 2024
# possible to set interactively without arguments

root@dlp:~ #

+------+Time Zone Selector+-------+
| Select a region                 |
| +-----------------------------+ |
| |1  Africa                    | |
| |2  America -- North and South| |
| |3  Antarctica                | |
| |4  Arctic Ocean              | |
| |5  Asia                      | |
| |6  Atlantic Ocean            | |
| |7  Australia                 | |
| |8  Europe                    | |
| |9  Indian Ocean              | |
| |10 Pacific Ocean             | |
| |11 UTC                       | |
| +-----------------------------+ |
|      [  OK  ]     [Cancel]      |
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