-a |
use audible ping
-A |
use adaptive ping
-B |
sticky source address
-c NUM |
stop after NUM replies
-C |
call connect() syscall on socket creation
-D |
print timestamps
-d |
use SO_DEBUG socket option
either INTERFACE name or address
seconds between sending each packet
-L |
suppress loopback of multicast packets
send PRELOAD number of packages while waiting replies
-m MARK |
tag the packets going out
-M OPT |
define path MTU discovery, can be one of [do|dont|want]
-n |
no reverse DNS name resolution, override -H
-O |
report outstanding replies
-s SIZE |
use SIZE as number of data bytes to be sent
use SIZE as SO_SNDBUF socket option value
-t TTL |
define time to live
-v |
verbose output