-i |
install package(s)
-F |
upgrade package(s) if already installed
-U |
upgrade package(s)
-e |
erase (uninstall) package
-q |
query installed packages
-V |
Verifying a package compares information about the installed files in
the package with information about the files taken from the package
metadata stored in the rpm database
Options to use with i and U |
-v |
provide more detailed output
# rpm -iv package
-h |
print hash marks as package installs
# rpm -Uvh package
--nodeps |
don't verify package dependencies
--test |
don't install, but tell if it would work
Options to use with q |
-a |
show all installed packages
# rpm -qa
-i |
show installed package info
# rpm -qi package
-l |
list files in package
# rpm -ql package
-c |
list included configuration files
# rpm -qc package
-d |
list included documentation files
# rpm -qd package
-f |
query/verify package(s) owning installed file
# rpm -qf /bin/bash
-R |
list capabilities on which this package depends
# rpm -qR package
-s |
Display the states of files in the package
# rpm -qs package
--last |
list package(s) by install time, most
# rpm -q --last package
--changelog |
list change logs for this package
# rpm -q --changelog package